When customers are certain about a role that they need on a full time basis and an individual that can suffice their project deliverable needs, We can hunt for a stellar resource that not only fit the technical expertise needed for the role but also blends easily into the company’s culture. Ideally, when it comes to hiring an individual on a full time basis, it is of prime importance that the candidate is someone who understands the potential opportunity at hand and is looking at it from a long term perspective thus aligning him/her to the core values and vision of the company. This is what we brings to the table in terms of identifying a world-class talent that stays for the long term.

Services We offer.

Contract Hire

When customers are not too sure about a specific technology need and are forecasting a short duration of the need, TriOptus helps fill that need gap t...

Contract to Hire

When customers are looking to launch a product or rebuild an existing one, they may need an a technology team under a contingent workforce program that may get converted to a full time employee depending on the growth of the product or company at large. Under such scenarios, TriOptus promises to del...

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