Tackling Candidate Ghosting: TriOptus Hiring Solutions
26 Oct 2023

Have you ever heard about "candidate ghosting"? It's a strange thing that sometimes happens in the world of recruitment. It's when people who seem interested in a job suddenly disappear without a trace. This can be confusing and frustrating for the people trying to hire them.


But don't worry! We're here to help you understand why this happens and what you can do to avoid it from happening to you. Imagine it as a mystery we're going to solve together. We'll also talk about why it's become more common lately.


Believe it or not, many job seekers have done the ghosting in the past year and a half, and lots of companies have felt the impact of it over the last two years. So, why do people do this, and how can employers make it stop? Let's find out!


Let's talk about why some people don't respond or disappear during the job application process. It's a bit puzzling for many people, including those who help with hiring. This can happen at different times:


  • After Applying: When people apply for a job, they often use easy-to-apply platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed or through a company’s ATS integrated Careers page. While this is convenient, it can make them less likely to reply to messages from recruiters or continue with the hiring process as they’re probably doing this on hundreds of such similar platforms and these days there are AI bots that automate this application process.
  • After Screening: Candidates usually have a phone interview to see if they're a good fit for the job. Recruiters ask about things like salary and when they can work. But if the candidate doesn't feel excited about the job after this, they might disappear.
  • After Interviewing: Sometimes, after an interview, candidates decide the job isn't right for them. This might be because the interview felt unfriendly or the interviewer said something that didn't match what the candidate expected.
  • After Getting a Job Offer: Job seekers often talk to multiple employers and get different offers. If the offer from one company is not as good as others, they might vanish to escape the difficult conversation of saying a “no” to the other recruiter. 
  • After Starting the Job: Surprisingly, some people even disappear after they've already started a new job. They just stop communicating and leave.

Now, why do people do this? Well, not everyone does, but here are some common reasons:


  • Low Salary: If the offered salary is lower than what the person expected, they might back out. Maybe the recruiter negotiated way too hard. 
  • Better Offers: Sometimes, candidates get better job offers from other companies.
  • Wrong Job Description: If the job turns out to be different from what they were told, they might disappear.
  • Bad Company Reputation: Negative reviews or a bad reputation of the company can scare people away.
  • Dislike for Company Culture: Some people might not like the workplace culture they sense.


In today's job market, candidates have more choices, and they know it. Recruiters sometimes unintentionally mislead candidates, which doesn't help. In such a job market, it's clear that job seekers have a lot of power. While it's okay to be selective about job opportunities, it's also important to think about how this affects your professional reputation during the hiring process.

Feeling Disconnected from People


In today's world, most of the hiring process happens online because of the pandemic. You don't meet a hiring person in person, shake their hand, and give them your resume. Instead, you send your resume online. But because there's no real connection, some people don't reply to emails, listen to voicemails, or even start a new job properly. They do things when they feel like it without any worries.

How to Stop the Silent Treatment in Hiring


Even though sometimes people disappear during hiring, you can do some things to make it better. Here's what we suggest:


  • Talk a lot: Speak up and tell people what's happening. It helps both the bosses and the job seekers. Tell people what's going on and give them feedback. It makes people trust you more and stops them from disappearing.
  • Say what to expect: Tell people right away how the hiring will work. Explain the steps, how long it will take, and what they should know. This way, people don't get confused and won't disappear.
  • Make friends: Show interest in what job seekers want. Ask about their goals and dreams. When you're friendly, people will talk more honestly.
  • Use different ways to talk: Not everyone likes emails. Some like calls or text messages. Ask people how they want to talk, and it'll be easier to stay in touch.
  • Share stuff: Even if people don't get the job, give them helpful information or tips. It makes them feel good, and they might not disappear forever.
  • Answer questions: When people ask things, answer quickly. If you wait, they might leave you behind for another job.
  • Keep updating: After each step in hiring, tell people what's happening next. It shows you care about them.

Say Exactly What You Need

In the job ads, only say what's really important for the job. Don't leave any room for confusion. This way, you'll get better candidates who know what to do and are excited about the job.

Make It Quick


People don't like waiting, so try to hire people fast. From applying to interviews to giving a job, keep it moving. Don't make people wait too long. Bring as much of this hiring process in house as possible or partner with agencies that help you get those candidates in the door as quickly as possible.

Offer Fair Pay


If you don't pay well, people won't take the job. Look at what others pay in your area and offer a good salary.

Don't Waste Time


Don't keep people guessing about the job. After talking on the phone or an interview, check in with them. If you wait too long, they might find another job. Don't let them go!


In a world where job candidates sometimes vanish without a trace, it's crucial to understand why and how to prevent it. TriOptus is here to help solve this hiring mystery together. Many job seekers have done this disappearing act lately, causing frustration for both candidates and employers.


TriOptus can assist in solving this problem. We emphasize clear communication, setting expectations, building personal connections, and offering valuable information. By improving your hiring process with these strategies, you can reduce the chances of candidates ghosting and ensure a smoother recruitment experience for all.




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